The Papua New Guinea Parliament stands shamed.

Named in the Kapris Interview as MPs who profitted from the Madang and Kerema BSP Robbery

Three of the PNG Parliaments members have been named as collaborators in plotting the controversial escape as well as financing the robbery of the BSP Banks in Kerema and Madang of high profile prisoner William Nanua Kapris. They are Mr. Patrick Pruaitch member for Aitape Lumi and Minister for Finance and Treasury who as confessed by William Kapris on video interview was paid K300,000.00 , Mr. Tony Aimo, Member for Ambunti –Drekikir and Minister for Corrections another K300,000.00 and the Mr. Francis Marus Deputy Speaker of the Papua New Guinea Parliament K300,000.00. This is so socking.

Before Parliament rose in the last session, Arthur Somare gave notice that he will call The National newspaper before the privileges committee to name the MPs. Well guess what, thanks to the Internet and leakages floating everywhere and on YOUTUBE we now know who these culprits are and are named above. We don’t understand why the mainstream media should go on further in suppressing the names of these three MPs. It’s common knowledge now and it’s in the public domain, Tell the people of PNG who these MPs are for the benefit of those people who don’t have access to the Internet. These MPs should all resign from Office. They should all be no longer hold these offices they occupy, they should be arrested and thrown to Bomana, the Prime Minister should ask for their resignation immediately and immediately call for a criminal investigation, the Ombudsman Commission should also investigate this. The further this goes it will show that this government is the worst and the most corrupt if they stop any investigation from being carried out. If this was in another country, the Prime Minister will resign with all his cabinet members, well this is PNG and its another story.

It seems that these shameless three individuals, not satisfied with the millions placed in their hands by Parliament, aided and abetted in at least three large robberies and the attempt of another. By their act they have also put their shroud of shame over Parliament. This is a convicted man and a three-time escape artist who, we can say, is clutching at straws and most normally we would not give it much credence. Some things revealed to police by William Kapris out as truthful. The question we ask is why these particular three politicians and not any other of the 109 Members of Parliament? Why two ministers and an ordinary MP? Why only three – why not four or 10 or even just one? Another reason which gives the Kapris confession some credence is the fact that he was severely injured and could hardly walk at the time of his escape.

For a person who appears to us to be a rather clever individual in the manner he executed the robberies for which he is charged, we would have expected him to be many hundreds of kilometres away had he planned his own escape, not holed up in a quite obvious little guest house in Port Moresby waiting for policemen to pounce. It was as if he had been given the guarantee from persons in high places that he was safe and nothing would happen to him. And most compelling of all, why would Kapris choose to convict himself of the three robberies – Metals Refining Operation, the BSP Kerema branch and BSP Madang branch?

Until now, he has only been a suspect awaiting trial for these robberies. His actual jail sentence is for the crime of attempted murder of a policeman in Kimbe, which he committed as part of a gang when he was in high school and for which he was serving time, when he escaped from custody. While on the run he was alleged to have committed a series of other robberies, three of which have been pinned on him. Only now, by his own confession he stands convicted of the MRO and the two bank robberies. He has admitted being there and having taken the money.

The only defence available now is that of coercion or intimidation and threats by police into making his confession. The three politicians named know this fact themselves. They need only clear their names publicly whether or not Kapris is telling a big fat lie or walk down shame avenue into history and notoriety.

Until these men clear their names or are named and removed, Parliament will never be able to lift this shroud of shame off itself. It is disgraceful conduct which will go around the world – politicians so motivated by greed for money that they would lower themselves to the level of common thieves to aid and abet in robberies. There must be more to tell. Just who or what is this “black bank” which allegedly “got rid” of the 13 bars of gold stolen in the MRO robbery? Or did it? And the mother of questions: Why was Kapris sprung from jail? Was it so he should not tell his story at trial? Or was it so that un-concluded business which needed Kapris’ personal authority and direction could be expedited? Questions that warrant answers and which, now that he has spoken out, we are sure will make themselves known in due course.


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