Friends of this site and fellow citizens, some of us have been saying all along that the ONeill-Namah government is illegitimate.

The Supreme Court 12th December 2011 has determined (in discharging its role as the Court of Justice & the one and only body charged by the Constitution with the role to interpret the Constitution and the law) that the PM's seat was not vacant prior to, on and after 2nd August 2011. That Somare was the legitimate PM.

The legislature and the Executive government should take their cue from that, and in the interest of good government, right thinking Leaders should comply, as a mark of respect for the courts and the law of the land.

They should have demonstrated to the nation and the world at large that here we have a democracy where the rule of law prevails and that even our Leaders are not above the law.

In fact ONeill & Namah would still be in government had they listened to Sir Arnold Amet who made a peace offer for the sake of good  government, to allow Somare back in as PM as the Supreme Court ordered and then use their numerical power on the floor to vote him out. That would have been the proper democratic process.

Peter ONeill & Belden Namah thought this was a trick. A trick because they are used to doing things by trickery. Well as the saying goes, there is no honour among thieves.

So what do they do? They embarked upon an ambitious strategy to attack and personally discredit the Judges and the CJ. They made up stories concerning political affiliations  and trust funds of late Justice Hinchcliff etc.

These were all lies, lies, and more lies.

When this didn’t work, they went about appointing Sakora and Salika over the CJ, as a way of out muscling the Judiciary and divide and rule tactics.

Its Belden all over because he thought he was God, and his usual lollies for everyone policy, he thought he would buy the Judiciary. Sakora and Salika accepted the offer, and even signed off, but then realized that the rest of the Judiciary was behind the CJ, and this was not about the CJ. It was about the whole Judiciary being under attack, and it was about democracy and the Constitution.

More so, they weighed that if the ONeill-Namah government has been declared illegitimate, how can their appointments and any act as government be valid?

So they were well and truly caught out. That is why they cannot give any judgement on this matter. Peter ONeill and Belden Namah have compromised these two judges, so much that they cannot in their clear consciences give any judgement for or against. As such it was the correct thing to do for them to abstain. It is no reflection on the CJ or anyone, apart from Belden and ONeill.

Marat my Tolai brother, if he was smart would have launched an appeal under the slip rule to the Supreme Court, but he was asleep. The time to do so had passed. Politically he was never a strategist. Ol man save kilim kapul na em save kaikai tasol. Well what do we expect of a criminologist? Even Tiffany Nongorr the lawyer for government was asleep somewhere.

So they went and abused Parliament's legislative powers to find ways and pass laws to keep themselves in power. They also filed another Supreme Court reference seeking interpretation of their actions as Parliament. All this was a time consuming exercise so they can keep illegitimately govern and rip the coffers of this country.

Having ripped and ripped, now they find themselves ex[posed after the writs have been issued, and ONeill and Namath’s ugly arses are waving in the wind, totally exposed!

The court has said, they had no legitimacy to make those decisions, take those moneys, sign those agreements, etc.

There is a slight problem of  illegality and accountability, and dare I say criminality?

What do you think ToAllan ToMarat?  Criminality? Bomanality?

Yes, you better advise ONeill & Namah to recall Parliament.

But can they recall Parliament?  The answer is, yes and no. Yes if there is a war or civil strife or special emergency.

No- if it is just to save Belden and O’Neill’s little arses.

The current exercise is exactly that! It does not matter if the AAP newspaper journalist says Parliament can be recalled. The answer is this is not an exceptional situation that calls for it. AAP cannot give legal advice- but the funny thing is the Australians are trying to influence this outcome too. No wonder Somare had a go at them.

You see you have been wrongly advised Tobras. Parliament is not Supreme. The 70 odd MPs supporting O’Namah are not the most supreme beings in PNG or on the planet.

It is the people who are supreme. The people have willed in the Constitution for the Supreme Court to interpret the law. It has done so. There is no room for Parliament to play silly buggers. This is not a case of an emergency. Any recall of Parliament to save a few arses is unconstitutional. It will go back to the courts and the courts will declare it unconstitutional.

Which is why Belden is now calling for the resignation of the three Judges. It’s as clear as daylight to the people of PNG.

People of PNG, there is no merit what so ever in the claims of Belden Namah. He is a thief, conman and gangster. He has more money than sense. He is an immature leader who floats on his own hot air.

This nation will be better off without leaders like him. He should be jailed. That’s where he belongs. He must leave the judiciary alone. The motivations behind his crying is quite clear. The motivations behind recalling of Parliament is also clear.

Obey the law leaders. Don’t play with the people's institutions. If you keep doing it, then you will have to face the music in a few weeks. Then, your ill-gotten gains will not save you. Mark my words carefully.



  1. hey ToBaras..
    Em yu tok turu-u-u-u stere-e-t.

  2. What if there is merit on the assumption that the CJ and his 2 counterparts are biased in their decision?

  3. Your statement makes lot of sence but you missed out to point the root cause...the whole problem started last year September when judges ruled somare gov't to be legitimate and Oniel gov't to be illegal...see it is judiciary who cross over the line first to appoint somare as PM...That triggers the entire problem....

    1. Supreme Court was only correcting the errors of the parliament. I can't see how the supreme court can be blamed. Supreme court is dutibound to correct this mistake before next election and it did exactly that.

      On judiciary bias it is public knowledge that judge Salika and Sakora will always be biased against Grand Chief Somare. This is because GC Somare overlooked them when elevating Injia to be the Chief Justice. Both judge knew that Oneil's election as PM was flawed but did not want to admit it.

  4. Point to the section in the constitution which states that the supreme court cannot make declaratory orders including declaring a regime illegal.


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