How Peter O'Neill plans to end democracy in PNG

We agree, its time
The O’Neill Government is putting Chinese-Style Dictatorship Weapons In Place:  In the Next Months, Laws will be passed to control social media, email and other internet communication, with the control of  free speech and a mandatory ID system for SIM cards

Do not think that PNG cannot become a dictatorship and do not entertain that it is a dream that our government plants to silence thinking minds.   Chinese and Malaysians operating in PNG (especially Rimbunan Hijau, which owned the National newspaper 100%) have encouraged the government for some time to end the 39 year experiment in PNG democracy and quietly create a kind of dictatorship where the only voices of protest allowed will be those which are ineffective and do not threaten the government’s power.   Rather than people controlling the government, as is true in any real democracy, the intent in PNG is for government to take control over the people.    The Christian democratic principles that led to the birth of our nation will be quietly discarded in preference for the anti-Christian, ungodly beliefs spread by the Chinese government with its growing influence in PNG.

The success of the Unitech movement against corruption convinced Peter O’Neill to move fast to cut off the legs of any protest against his government.   Some months ago the government mentioned their intent to regulate social media and SIM cards.  There was very little protest an this now gives the government confidence to go into action over the next month and put all necessary laws in place.

The government now believes it can get the laws into place before there is any chance for NGOs and activists against corruption like Noel Anjo, uni students, or anyone else to create an effective protest that can stop parliament from passing the laws and the NEC from endorsing them.   We all know from past history that once a PNG law is passed, it is never repealed.  That is why at this very minute we still have the biggest land grab by foreigners in history alive and well.   The law to allow SABLS (special agricultural business leases) was passed only a few years ago.  Under SABLs, over 12% of all PNG’s land has been lost to foreigners and national exploiters.  SABL means that customary landowners lose all rights to their land for 99 years (4 generations).  It was just the opportunity that unscrupulous foreign and national exploiters wanted to log all the trees on that land without paying any royalties.  After they became multi-millionaires they were free to abandon the barren wasteland to the landowners to create permanent impoverishment for future generations.  This is going on at this very moment.

The government got away with the SABL land grab because the people of PNG did not rise up against it.  City people turned their eyes and let their village brothers be tricked .    The SABL inquiry quickly became corrupted and compromised by the O’Neill government which then shoved the report under the table.  Again, the people did not speak out.  As a result, it is still completely legal and encouraged for more foreign resource rapists to steal PNG land.
That is our battles against corruption must be over the laws themselves.   Once the laws are passed, we lose.   Unless we move fast to stop the government’s plan to get Chines and Malaysian style laws on the books, PNG will lose its democracy for all practical purposes.  We will be just like the long suffering Chinese who can live whatever life they want as long as they say nothing negative about their government or its leaders.   O’Neill and his MPs want the same protection from criticism.  They see the growing success of the grassroots anti corruption movement and the beginning of church concern for the corruption in the O’Neill government as a threat.  

Government says they want to stop defamation but actually their intent is to stop any meaningful or effective criticism of the government.
•         They plan to pass a law so the government can see who is buying all SIM cards.  The government wants to be able to track who says what on our phones and text messages.  They will go for those who are speaking out against corruption in the current government as the first order of business, and later go after any enemies of corrupt MPs in the government.  Their main target are uni students whose voices they want to monitor.

•         A law will be passed to prevent all use of pen names in newspaper letters or on the internet.   This way they will know exactly who says what against the government.  It will become easy for government to silence any voices of disapproval.

•         Social media will be monitored by the government just like in China, North Korea, and other atheistic satanic dictatorships.   The main targets right now uni students and activists against corruption because the government sees them as becoming the most likely troublemakers.  The government will be closely watching and finding out who are the most effective speakers on social media against government corruption.  They will then do what is necessary to silence those voices.

•         Government will take to court anyone who speaks out against government in ways that are effective in getting the public to sit up and take note.   Ineffective complaints about government is not what they are concerned about.  They are only concerned about silencing effective voices.  That means silencing potential leaders of the movement to stop corruption.  PM O’Neill has already started this strategy by taking Noel Anjo and Sonja Barry Ramoi to court.  This strategy will also be used against any uni leaders who organise protests against government corruption.

The government now uses the word “proper” to cover up their true intent.  They say that the purpose of the new censorship laws will be to get us to use our mobile phones PROPERLY, comment on Facebook PROPERLY, send around emails that only have PROPER content and criticise the government PROPERLY.  In all cases, PROPERLY means INEFFECTIVELY.    Dictatorships always fall when criticism against their dictatorship and evil is effective.   It is the excellent writers and strong opponent leaders that they want to silence.  They see that those voices stir everyone to sit up and take notice of the evils taking place in the country.   To stop people from waking up and seeing what is going on, dictatorships must silence the most powerful and effective critics like Noel Anjo.  Dictatorships only stay in power when people speak and use their phones and internet PROPERLY.

With support of the Chinese, and corrupt Malaysian and Indonesian corrupt businessmen operating in PNG (especially Rimbunan Hijau), PNG is quickly moving into dictatorship under the most corrupt government in history led by Peter O’Neill who took over from the second most corrupt government in history led by Michael Somare.  Nearly all the living ex-Prime Ministers are in the O’Neill government because they support the government having over the people to do whatever they want.   They conduct fraudulent elections and buy off ignorant voters so they can stay in power.  The face at the top changes every few years just like in the Chinese dictatorship, but the corrupt powers remain in control.

Democratic governments throughout the world legally allow the most devastating protest words of dissent against government leaders.   Go check out internet sites that prove how people in democracies are allowed to use the most heated words against their leaders without fear of prosecution, including in the USA, Australia, European countries and other lands of justice.   Genuine democracies that practice Christian principles allow unrestricted political free speech and government leaders have very little protection under defamation laws.  That is the goal we must achieve if we want PNG to ever become like the truly Christian democracies of this world.

 Our role model cannot be China and Malaysia and false Christians like Peter O’Neill and our other corrupt leaders!  We cannot let our government take control of what we do on our mobile phones, Facebook, and whatever we want to speak out on.  There should be more free speech not less.
Time is running out to stop the O’Neill government from creating the legal framework it needs to have an effective dictatorship in our country.  Under God’s name, please wake up to what is going on.

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