
Showing posts with the label Papua New Guinea


by MARK POWIA Below table shows prepaid data plan pricing for both Digicel and Bmobile.   A few points to note are: In bundle charging refers to the per megabyte rate that a customers will be charged if they buy a specific prepaid data plan. So for example if I buy 1 Day Pass from Bmobile which is K3 for 50MB, I will be charged at 6t per MB when I browse the internet. If I buy a 1 Day Pass from Digicel at K3 for 60MB, I will be charged at 5t per MB. Bmobile & Digicel both charge by billing block, this is not the same as the charge per megabyte. Bmobile charges 0.03t/10KB while Digicel charges 19t/400KB. What does this mean for prepaid data consumers? Before we get to the answer, let’s explain how data units are calculated.   1024KB is equal to 1MB and 1024MB is equal to 1GB. Now the billing block charging means that if a customer switches on their data connection on their smartphone and initiates s a data session of 5KB only, if you are on Digicel you will be ch

Message of challenge and hope in this 40th Independence

by DR JAMES NAIPO   Happy 40th Independence. Man has lived on this planet for 360 million years or so. 300 million years or so, man have become nocturnal mammals. After 65 million years ago, man came out of the closet of the darkness to explore the ends of the earth. From a nomadic lifestyle, agriculture paved the way for the birth of clans, tribes, ethnicity, cultures, great kingdoms, civilizations, religions and attached to the biodiversity of environments where man set foot on. For control and normalcy, all forms of government were born. With time through centuries, million of lives were lost through wars, conflicts, territorial land grabbings, diseases, natural disasters and famines. Continents were conquered, colonised and ruled. Trillions of dollars were also extracted by the colonisers and brought back to their kingdoms to enhance their prosperity. Intellectual ability of man grew with the experiences of time. This brought peace and good order as well as the evolution of mo