
Showing posts with the label Raffles Hospital

Blast From the Past: The 2011 Grand Singapore Hospital Stay of Michael Somare Made Many People Very Wealthy Indeed

by MARKUS WAMBIA   Now that Grand Secret Keeper Manasupe Zurunuoc has left government (at least temporarily), secret papers are easier to leak.   It was important that we finished celebrating Grand Thief Michael Somare’s 80 th birthday and saluted him like he was the best founding father any country ever had.   Now it’s time to come back to Planet Earth and get a reality check on the Legacy of Michael Somare, whose main theme is that he was a liar liar well before Peter O'Neill came along and convincingly corrupt.  Where he didn't take initiative to dip his hands into the PNG Treasury or seek out 'hamamas payments' from Rimbunan Hijau (owner of Vision City and The National), his family, particularly Lady Veronica and Arthur, put pressure on him to direct more PNG public funds into the Somare family treasury. Let’s take a look at the bills for Somare’s 2011 hospital stay for heart bypass surgery.    What did it cost and what was the cost breakdo