
Showing posts with the label terence hetinu

Terence Hetinu and Rita Rea Lavari Questionable PNGEC people exchanging jobs for Sexual Favors.

by  Velua Ralewa A wedlock deal made at Grand Papua in April of 2017 during the NCD roll update exercise, between the NCD election manager Terence Hetinu and Rita Rea Lavari, a roll update agent.  She been married to a very ill husband at the time, lying in his deathbed while Hetinu luring her with promises of escalation into the management hierarchy of the PNGEC, NCD  office, while this vulnerable, gold-seeking female took solace in his promises of all promises for a climb up the ladder of  PNGEC . And all she needs to do is be by the boss's side, make him look good in public and of course, the activities that take place between a couple behind closed doors. Sure enough after 2 weeks of roll updating, lo and behold, the new "Mrs or Mistress" becomes the provincial logistics officer. A temporary position needing disengagement after the elections then re-engagement if necessary , for a new election.  Then comes the capital city's ethnic Motukoita election 2