
Papua New Guinea’s Silence Sickness: Its Causes and PNGBlog’s Free Medicine To Cure the Disease

A SPREADING SICKNESS IN PNG By PNGBLOGS Recently on the Masalai Blog, former Prime Minister Mekere Morauta wrote a thought provoking article “No one is safe in PNG” (link: ).   Sir Mekere has noticed that nearly everyone in PNG has become afraid to speak out.   For example, a worker won’t speak out when they see the boss stealing because they’re afraid of losing their job or a promotion.   An LLG leader won’t say anything negative about the government because they fear they might be denied development funds to use in their electorate.   A wantok share their unhappiness about another wantok’s behaviour because they worry that their wantok will create problems for them. These fears and worries have created a Silence Sickness that has spread throughout PNG.    ORIGINS OF THE SILENCE SICKNESS What’s going on?    Weren’t we taught in high school that speaking one’s opinion without fear or favour is a basic