
Showing posts with the label Pacific Nations

How Peter O’Neill Mismanaged PNG's Economy.

by HARINI MATABI ALUMALE PNGeans, we seem to FORGET things very easily and blow with the wind of PROPAGANDA to believe falsified make-believe social media posts, controlled mainstream media headlines (controlled by conglomerate Foreign companies & Former regime), and gossips on the streets. Those of you praising your Master on Media and Facebook forums must read this carefully and this are few but I will post in details from time to time . Peter O’Neill|KING wiru Mari | Leadership 1. The K37 billion loan (dinau) incurred by former Prime Minister Peter O'Neill that you and me and our children will have to 'repay' in the years to come. 2. The inflated contracts in billions of Kina by Peter O'Neill that was swept under the carpet in the name of "Infrastructure". The 10% cuts and excessive overpriced costs for all infrastructures are something that PNGeans must know. For example, the back road from 9mile to Gerehu/Baruni costed almost to a billion Kina when it


by JONAH IRUM Well, well, well; The Pacific Games are over. Every good thing must come to an end but the walk of life is all about moving on. The excitement and the achievements of the event is now history. When we beat farewell to our wan solwara wantoks the environment in Port Moresby is beginning to slowly adjust into its normal way of life. For the rest of PNG it is business as usual. Since the so called spectacular opening ceremony through to the closing ceremony PNG once again reaffirmed its position as the big boy or bikpla mangi of the Pacific region. The announcement by the Governor General to render assistance to Tonga as the host nation for the 16th Pacific Games come 2019 is yet another commitment from the bikpla mangi besides the financial assistance it rendered to Fiji during its National Elections and to Solomon Islands recently. Anyway, many of us especially the Port Moresby citizens will share many fond memories of the games. The people to people