
Showing posts with the label Papua New Guinea

The Germination and Spread of Corruption in Papua New Guinea: An Unfortunate Combination of Three Prime Ministers

by A NATIONAL RESEARCH INSITUTE STAFF MEMBER Three Prime Ministers including the Father of PNG, Sir Michael Somare, have, over the past 40 years, effectively congealed to destroy what could have been a bright future and equal opportunity for the people of Papua New Guinea following independence.    As such, the noble ideals articulated by Somare and other members of the legendary Bully Beef Club during their many gatherings prior to Independence, and articulated in the Constitution's Six Directives, were never fulfilled and today are essentially abandoned.     PNG's sad progression downwards has produced its current state of rampant corruption.   Like Nigeria, like Mexico, like Indonesia, all fabulously wealthy nations in terms of natural resources, the wealth has gone nowhere useful in PNG.    PNG drags the bottom in global rankings today in terms of how little meaningful integral human development has occurred for the majority of its population. Thus far, the adv


by MARK POWIA Below table shows prepaid data plan pricing for both Digicel and Bmobile.   A few points to note are: In bundle charging refers to the per megabyte rate that a customers will be charged if they buy a specific prepaid data plan. So for example if I buy 1 Day Pass from Bmobile which is K3 for 50MB, I will be charged at 6t per MB when I browse the internet. If I buy a 1 Day Pass from Digicel at K3 for 60MB, I will be charged at 5t per MB. Bmobile & Digicel both charge by billing block, this is not the same as the charge per megabyte. Bmobile charges 0.03t/10KB while Digicel charges 19t/400KB. What does this mean for prepaid data consumers? Before we get to the answer, let’s explain how data units are calculated.   1024KB is equal to 1MB and 1024MB is equal to 1GB. Now the billing block charging means that if a customer switches on their data connection on their smartphone and initiates s a data session of 5KB only, if you are on Digicel you will be ch