

by STEVEN ANDRE - PNGBLOGS Susan Merrell continues to amaze me at the way she ferociously attacks and defends herself on social media but not anymore. The name Susan Merrell is synonyms with keyboard warrior and she is very good at it. She claims and fiercely defends that she has a doctorate degree and two masters degrees. One would imagine that the degrees under her belt are sufficient to be an expert in her area of speciality. She poses so subtly as an independent commentator on PNG issues and with her proficiency and eloquence in English, bamboozles all other audiences and commentators alike to either follow her or left confused. Her recent wave of attacks mounted against respected citizens in the likes of Deputy Chief Justice Sir Gibbs Salika and Sam Koim of Papua New Guinea was a source of concern for me to know a little bit more about the person “Susan Merrell” and her motivations. An objective and critical observer who follows her trend of publications and commentar