

A Fraudster and unqualified person has been shortlisted for NEC submission for the position of CEPA Managing Director. The candidate in question is Jude Tukulyia. His academic credentials are subject to scrutiny. Further investigation is required to verify the authenticity and legitimacy of his qualifications, particularly the reported diploma in accounting, Bachelor of Laws, MBA from Divine Word and UPNG respectively. It is very suspicious and unprofessional  when the Minister for Environment Conservation and Climate Change, Hon Simo Kilepa, wrote to UPNG Vice Chancellor asking to confirm Jude’s questioned education qualifications. This very due diligence work is the core responsibility of the Public Service Commission and Department of Personnel Management. What authority does the portfolio minister have to write to the Universities? Dumbfounding indeed if one asks. Ulterior motives written all over the letter. This amounts to  Questionable Academic Qualifications of Mr Tukulyia.    

James Marape: A Complex Political Trajectory

Early Years and Education James Marape was born on April 24, 1971, in Tari, Hela Province (formerly part of Southern Highlands Province), Papua New Guinea. His educational journey took him through Minj Primary School and Kabiufa Adventist Secondary School in the PNG highlands. He later graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Papua New Guinea in 1993 and obtained a postgraduate Honours Degree in Environmental Science in 2000 ¹. Ministerial Roles Marape's political career has been marked by significant ministerial roles: 1. Minister of Education (2008–2011):  During this period, he contributed to shaping education policies and programs in Papua New Guinea.  His tenure focused on improving access to quality education for all citizens. 2. Minister of Finance (2012–2019):    - Marape's time as Finance Minister was notable for its duration.    - However, it became infamous when he resigned, alleging corruption within the O'Neill government.    - His resign