Bloggers have a role to reach out

Terry B

I am always fascinated by people who go out to challenge the establishments in seeking the truth; I am one of the many who wants to know who to trust to run our country. We have a very fragile democracy, it is very delicate and we need to protect it at all cost. In recent times we have seen the attack on our main stream media by the Government over what they label as unprofessional journalism. I feel for the very man and woman who go out every day to get the story to put up on our two national dailies. They are limited to what they can write, yet in their heart they are willing to go out and tell the truth of any matter.

I am not a journalist, I am writing this as a citizen, This blog is not out to see who comes here the most in terms of numbers, it’s not to advertise to make money, (no ads here) it’s not about personal gains, it is about PNG, where we are right now as a nation and where we going with the way our current leaders are leading this young nation. It’s about the country where we live and where our children’s children will live in the years to come.

Our mindset need to change so we leave something for our kids, our Environment is the most sacred and important thing to remember, we need to make a difference in our own little world to change this nation, so in my little world one day last year I thought to myself if I can make a difference I will try my best to reveal without fear or favour wrong doing, corruption, systemic rot and garbage that comes along with it on a blog. I am not that technically sound, but through self thought and a lot of reading I decided to put up this blog.

Well as you read in the previous blogs, we have been on a few people's minds, I posted the letter that was taken off PNGexposed and posted it here, the letter if you have not seen it it’s here. We were mentioned by Paraka Lawyers as one of the blogs posting defamatory information and were in breach of the Court Order that was obtain to stop the release of the COI into the Department of Finance in Parliament. Well I am truly not about to quit on this fight as I see it, it’s taken the whole country by storm and people in PNG and those living overseas (Papua New Guineans) are very concerned about the lack of proceedings taken by the Government to overturn the Restraining Order since part of the report is out, we want to know.

The mysterious disappearance of the Sepik Highway Trust Account Millions was it also in that report? We don’t know if it’s there and then why does the Government fail to challenge the proceeding, is it because some of these MPs from Sepik were part of the cover-up? It’s all sour grapes right now for this government.

By the way,, we just started in the last 6 months, just compare our rankings to another popular PNG site.


  1. You did wrong by setting yourself up in a competition against other PNG sites. If you are truly cooperative and we all support each other, then we should not give any indication of competition against each other.

    The good news is that no one can read your graphics anyway to see who you are comparing against.

  2. Thanks for your comments, the information on this particular post for the folks following this blog, and you will see there is like some 60+ regulars who follow this blog, I agree with your comments but you missed my point which is to say we have had a popular site up since 2002 and information decimated from there to the wider community has been poor, I'm not doing a good job either but with what little I can I am doing my best, We cant be fighting a war with half-baked ideas. But I totally agree with you,cooperatively we can achieve, I am close to the ACTNOW and PNGExposed. Whatever we have which is vital to the good of this country will posted.

    God Bless

  3. Same here, Terry and Anonymous. I think there is so much in PNG as a "fragile democracy" that needs to be addressed through blogging, whether through journalism, through a citizen's views or a poet's, artist's or dancer's. Every one of us must put in a word or two for the good of all. But the underlying thing about all this is that we love our country and we want to make it a better place to live in. I would ask for nothing else other than that.

  4. Country press, I am totally with you on this, whoever we are in whatever we do, lets get this message across.

    Mangi Apo


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