Belden, Boito and Basil - The three "B"-Usketeers of Waigani on Criminal Watch-List all over the world for tax evasion and money laundering

'I am the condor, I fly
over you who glide
and suddenly in a wheeling
of wind, feather, claws
I assault you and I lift you
in a whistling cyclone...

Female Falcon! let us paunch,
upon this red and white prey
Let us tear life
that passes throbbing
and lift together
our wild flight.'' (Anonymous Author)

As time passes, and as politicians, youthful and inexperienced,  prone to accident, quick to act and slow to reason, slip and fall on another of their banana peels, the whole spectacle would have moved on. New conquests and their attendant controversies clutter the public memory. The feeling of violation of trust, and the deep disgust we felt over the idea of an obscene amount of cash like US$250 million smuggled secretly into the country by those whom we have mandated to wield executive and legislative powers becomes something of the past. Our consciences encumbered by new obscenities, eyes glued on new moves in this game of political gymnastics for legitimacy, and our souls preoccupied with new reasons to cringe under.

The spectacle and the show that is 'Waigani" , on par and synonymous with box office hits like 'Pacifica", 'Rio' and 'New York"  has moved on. The 2012 season promises to be bigger and better; and the trials of yesterday with their juicy and thrilling entrails have all but been forgotten.

 And this is something we do so well in this country. We forgive so easily and we forget so easily, a trait of Melanesian society, perhaps sometimes to our own disadvantage. We do not allow history to be our teacher. We seek out showmen, magicians and pied pipers to lead us into a past less future.

Before you get comfortable in your armchairs or floors to watch that reality show, let me remind you that the men at the centre of yesterdays controversy are not sleeping tonight. They are busy scheming the next big steal, more daring and more exhilarating than yesterday. The men who flew in the huge bag of money are not sleeping tonight. Unlike your little savings at BSP, huge amounts of cash in duffel bags and double shoe boxes have a way of screaming at those who possess them. The cash has a way of owning the man. The man forgets whether it is day or night, for he has no way of knowing and telling how high is high and how low is low. So they are not sleeping tonight, driving around in their 5 door land cruisers with the usual entourage.

You see unlike a man or woman who does an honest days work and earns his daily or weekly keep, these men have not raised a sweat on their brow from their hand to the fields. A few telephone calls, expensive spirits in expensive restaurants. Private jets, massage parlours, champagne on tap and all the carnal pleasures that a Foreign Member of Parliament and Minister of government can enjoy in one night; and laying his exhausted body down to lay, sliding between cool satin sheets, he closes his eyes and just before he glides and thrusts over fields of yellow and red clover, he sighs, what a night of work for Papua New Guinea!

Rising early, he recounts the night gone and smiles in remembrance of the gains, the handshakes, smiles, strange men in whispered pacts sealed with countless nods, united only in the cause of power and deception.

Life could have been blue sky all the way, except for the two warriors of the sky over Southern Sulawesi. They were no condors, although they soared and glided like condors on the up breeze, thriving on the thermal dynamics,  poised to swoop and go in for the kill. Confident in their shiny mettle, weapons poised, they waited. The word never came. They peeled away.

Inside the prey, the confident upbeat mood in the cabin suddenly changed. The cabin grew dark and very warm. Hearts racing, eyes peeled, necks strained, eyes trained, the mood was complete panic, and everyone wanted to take a leak at the same moment. Two did in their pants. The strangers spoke first, in Chinese motioning to each other. The wealthy stranger was quite animated. The Honourable ones, sat there, blood drained from their faces, and Sam Basil looked as if he just saw a ghost.

The three MPs had the same question running through their minds, but no one dared ask it for the next 10 minutes. Then Boito asked, Lida yu ting ol save?- nodding to the cargo they were carrying. Belden annoyed at being disturbed declares 'No F''ing way'. Basil keeps saying over and over again, muttering, " I shouldn't have come", until Belden tells him to shut up and get a hold of himself. Belden then asserts himself and excitedly gives a military perspective on what just happened, until disturbed by the Captains assuring voice over the intercom. The cabin relieved the threat was over, they settle back, some to their troubled slumber while others opened the blue label pure  and passed the ice and glasses around to settle their nerves, as they made their way home.

What they didn't know is, the large  amount of cash transacted, how it was packed in the plane and the flight plan and manifest was already in hundreds of computers all over the world, including the US. Law enforcement agencies all over the world received simultaneous reports from Malaysian, Singaporean and Indonesian authorities. These authorities also tipped the Somare Government and its Foreign Minister off on the activities the THREE BUSKETEERS OF WAIGANI.

When the plane landed at Jackson's airport, it was no secret flight anymore. The media being alerted was there and took photographs of the laden plane landing with its cargo of contraband and the perpetrators. That photograph is now the famous front page photograph. All the pieces of the puzzle are already known to the regional intelligence community.

The money was brought in in November 2011 in preparation for the December 2011 Supreme Court Decision, to buy all government and law enforcement apparatus, to ensure they would render whatever the Supreme Court Decision a nullity. At the same time a certain foreign female lawyer was secretly entertained by one of the THREE BUSKETEERS to get to the bottom of the finer points of the law, and the dark arts of obfuscation, in preparation for the December anticipated decision. Her advice was always soothing and relieving to the troubled mind.

It is in these contexts that Peter O'Neill and Belden Namah have  employed the input of Nape and the Delilah of Waigani, to  deliberately plunge our country into a Constitutional impasse borne out of premeditated disobedience and obfuscation by these leaders of the orders of the Supreme Court. They have then set upon using the cash brought in to consolidate this lie and fabricated government held together with band aid and sticky tape. There is no truth in the O'Neill-Namah regime. It is all held together by lies and deception. In public they appear united, but behind the scenes and at night they are at their throats.

The Laundered money, all cash, once again has a way of clouding a man's judgement. A man can have extraordinary abilities when he is drowning in cash. He also has the ability not to realize he is drowning. In such a moment, when the controversy over the Indonesian Fighter incident hit the papers, Namah went for the people responsible for tipping PNG government off, and for O'Neill.

Now that appears to be something of the past. Well is it? The money is still around. The THREE BUSKETEERS are still kicking. Will we see free elections, or elections bought out by obscene amounts of cash. Will we see a free and Independent Judiciary, or will we see them getting bought out by people wielding huge bags of cash?

My fellow citizens, if we want to save our nation, we must get behind our judiciary and call on them to be true to their oath of allegiance to the Constitution, to the coat of arms, and to the people of this nation. They must remain free and independent and reject the bags of money doing the rounds. The Judges of the National Court and Supreme Courts must be allowed to do their jobs without interference by the likes of the THREE BUSKETEERS & O'Neill.

Australia must come out now in support of the rule of law. They were so quick to condemn Fiji, but in PNG they have their noses deep in the trough of O'Neill. Julia Gillard is in O'Neill's pocket, or the other way around. How will this country and its judiciary freely uphold the rule of law, uphold the constitution and democracy, if O'Neill and Gillard keep living in each others pockets?

Australia must speak out against this government buying and  breaking down the Police and army as if they are its private police and private army. Australia must reveal the truth about the Falcon Jet, and the money being laundered, for the sake of democracy in this country.

If Australia wants to wait and allow this country to fail and then come in and take our resources, then the true sons of this nation will not allow it. We will not allow Australia to play these silly games. Australia must always stand for the truth and reveal the truth about whats going on, including the money being laundered. At the moment it is telling lies. It must reveal the truth about Belden Boito and Basil on criminal watch lists for tax evasion and money laundering, and tell us what they are going to do about it.



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