Damn the Lawyers

Unlike ordinary Acts of Parliament where sometimes layman will find it hard to read and appreciate the true meaning and purpose of a particular law because of the way the legal draftsman has styled the wording in legal lingo, anyone can read the Mama Lo and find it quite easy to understand. It is written in PLAIN, SIMPLE, UNAMBIGUOUS, ORDINARY and CLEAR English Language that even a primary school student with good understanding of English will understand what it is saying. The CONSTITUTION is a document that is written for EVERYONE, persons of all walks of life, it is not just for the lawyers and judges but for every man on the street and in the villages.

It is therefore so DAMN CONFUSING and IRRITATING when so-called lawyers can DELIBERATELY AND CALLOUSLY MISREAD, MISCONSTRUE, MISINTERPRET AND MISAPPLY the Constitution section 142 (2) simply to derail the AUTHORITY and SUPREMACY of the Constitution so that they can instil and promote their own and that of their cohorts (in the guise of elected representatives) selfish, greedy, pathetic, dictatorial and gullible agenda of grand theft, misappropriation and day-light robbery of the Nation’s coffers while saving their own backsides from getting belted up and burnt. Everybody knows those 12 months to go before the elections there can be no vote of any confidence. It used to be six months. In some countries still remains at six months. They, the elected leaders changed that from six months to 18 months and to 12 months. They know that. They changed the Constitution and they cannot claim ignorance of the law. That is no excuse.

This was a deliberate, calculated, concerted and planned evil scheme and conspiracy by lawyers with those wolves in sheep skins calling themselves elected leaders some of whom are lawyers cum politicians like Parkop. Marat, Maladina, Awesa, Pala, Duma and the list goes on, mandated by the electors to get into power and take control of the funds so that they can enrich themselves as much as they can within the short time before the elections. Why did they want to defer the elections? So they could reap as much as they could. Fortunately the global community spoke up and O’Neill did not want to lose face with the international leaders especially Australia, as half-caste of an Australian kiap as a father, who would be tossing and turning in his grave, if he saw what his son was up to and going against the vein of Australian interest. So we give credit to O’Neill in this respect for not bowing to the likes of his Deputy Namah and Nape.

The mercenary lawyers sold our country to the dogs just for money. They know nothing about patriotism. National interest was of no concern to them at all. Ask Peter Donigi and Michael Wilson of their comfort zones now. They must now have a very healthy bank account when their law firm was back sliding and slipping/sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss in the depths of Fairfax Harbor as they took their last position/stand to await the inevitable in the slums of Kanudi when they saw the rainbow. Of all the places, operating a law office out of Kanudi? Now they can hold their heads high and walk tall amongst their peers. Their devious and calculated scheme to rob PNG through equally corrupt elements like O’Neill, Namah and Nape has paid them handsomely in these last few months that they can now relax and play golf or go fishing without worrying about going back to court for another month or two until another devious scheme is cooked up when the red warning lights start flashing. But for now it is time for partying with song and dance as PNG suffered.

And for Twivey, the over-night born top-shot Constitutional lawyer? She is scared. Panicky and Goodness knows what she is thinking about right now. It was never in her wildest dreams that her views were wrong. She considered herself the smart lawyer and brainier than most lawyers in Constitutional law and Parliamentary Conventions, especially PNG Constitution, even the judges of the Supreme Court who would or ought to accept her argument/views with eyes closed, ear muffed and brain shut. Regrettably, to her biggest disappointment, she discovered that she was wrong and the table has turned against her. She made the worst mistake of her life. Be that as it may, she has amassed enough millions in these few months and ready to run away as far as is possible and not remain here to watch us pick up the mess and put it all back again as it was before.

And my brother Loani Henao, he is a lost sheep. He can’t tell a difference between a tiger and lion or a sheep and a goat. And that is what he has always been and will be. He will go where the money is.



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