Poor Professor Pumwa, Poor Prime Minister O’Neil, The Truth Came Out Sunday

By God's Servant

If anyone thought that the acting VC could keep important government secrets or was cool under pressure, it all went out the window last Sunday at the East Taraka Baptist church.
The regular pastor was out of his mind to ask Professor Pumwa to speak.
Professor Pumwa talked more than an hour to the congregation but hardly spoke of the holy spirit or taught the holy words of the Bible.

He forgot the purpose of the building he was speaking in.
Professor Pumwa used this special opportunity to celebrate the Lord and instead gave a political speech full of ego.

Professor Pumwa made East Taraka Baptist church into a political gossip house last Sunday.  He turned his face on Jesus Christ by speaking mostly about himself, his political connections, and how good he is.
Professor Pumwa bragged about his tight connections with the Prime Minister O’Neil.
To fellow Baptists he boasted that Peter O’Neil had given him his blessing to become VC.  Professor Pumwa said that because the PM gave him the power, he will continue acting on the post no matter what.  He said that the PM said he put all his trust in John Pumwa.

Professor Pumwa went to far to say he is part of government, and most qualified to take the position.
Professor Pumwa will need a very extended conversation with God through prayer to beg forgiveness for blaspheming the sanctity of the church last Sunday.

The church is not a place to play politics. Whatever our PM said to Professor Pumwa was something for Professor to keep in strict confidence not talk about it to anyone. 
Those who know him well have always said that Professor Pumwa is fine when happy but can never keep a secret when he gets upset. 
Most heads looked down at the floor in embarrassment at Professor Pumwa made his inappropriate political speech.

Professor Pumwa told the congregation that Unitech doesn’t need foreigners, don’t need white man such as Albert Shram.  The racist comments he made in the House of the Lord was another blasphemy that God will hold him accountable for.
Probably Professor Pumwa should talk directly to the foreign teachers at Unitech so they are clear about the VC’s feelings about them.  He seemed to think that giving his speech to nationals in a small church would keep the secret safe. 

What the Professor did not seem to understand is that his fellow church members think it is more important to follow what the Bible teaches us about how we should treat each other as fellow human beings than what Professor Pumwa thinks about white people.

On and on went the bragging inside the church.  The professor boasted that he had applied for the VC job when Albert Shram also applied.  According to Professor Pumwa his presentation was the best of all the candidates and he should have been made the new VC.

Professor did not bother to tell everyone that the hiring committee was mostly made up of nationals, not foreigners.  They decided to hire Albert Shram, not Professor Pumwa, probably based on qualifications and not impressive speeches.

Professor Pumwa’s very mediocre accomplishments during the past year may explain why the hiring committee picked Albert Shram instead of him.  Or maybe they knew about Professor Pumwa’s weaknesses.   

Albert Shram must be told when he comes back that Professor Pumwa is a snake in the grass and should never have been promoted by Albert Shram.  All because of last Sunday’s sermon at the East Taraka Baptist church when he spoke of his lust for power, his dislike for foreigners, and his appointment by Peter O’Neil to be the new VC no matter what the law says.  Professor Pumwa’s true feelings all came out in church.
If Professor Pumwa was speaking truth when he said that Peter O’Neil said that Professor Pumwa would get the job, the PM should be told that anything he tells this Acting VC will get out in the open at some point.
It is requested that PM O’Neil come to Unitech and talk to staff and students so he knows what he is getting in to.

Those of you at Unitech probably already know about this incident on 2 March. If in doubt seek out on of the Baptist church members to confirm that every thing I am writing about is true.   Let Professor Pumwa dare write a reply to deny any of this report.  God witnesses all and knows who lies and deceives and says one thing to one group of people and the opposite to another group.  God will know if you play word games to let you deny what you did on 2 March.

Such ungodly behaviour in the House of the Lord must be condemned by the congregation as it reflects badly on everyone.  Remember God is our witness and He sees not only Professor Pumwa’s actions last Sunday but also sees if no one in the East Taraka Baptist church will raise a finger to protect the holy sanctity of the church and condemn Professor Pumwa’s actions.

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