
Showing posts with the label Constitution

Message of challenge and hope in this 40th Independence

by DR JAMES NAIPO   Happy 40th Independence. Man has lived on this planet for 360 million years or so. 300 million years or so, man have become nocturnal mammals. After 65 million years ago, man came out of the closet of the darkness to explore the ends of the earth. From a nomadic lifestyle, agriculture paved the way for the birth of clans, tribes, ethnicity, cultures, great kingdoms, civilizations, religions and attached to the biodiversity of environments where man set foot on. For control and normalcy, all forms of government were born. With time through centuries, million of lives were lost through wars, conflicts, territorial land grabbings, diseases, natural disasters and famines. Continents were conquered, colonised and ruled. Trillions of dollars were also extracted by the colonisers and brought back to their kingdoms to enhance their prosperity. Intellectual ability of man grew with the experiences of time. This brought peace and good order as well as the evolution of mo


PAUL REINBARA The recent Supreme Court Ruling on the reappointment of Sir Paulias Matane on Friday leaves a lot to be asked about this current government’s direction. There were a lot of questions asked when this matter was brought before parliament and if the parliamentary process to elect a new GG was stretched to its limits before Matane was drawn as the appointee. Between the two groups in Parliament we now see no debate at all, there is less time spent in addressing issues affecting the country, the game of cat and mouse and the cunning ability by the government to use its power in numbers with the usual puppet the Speaker have their ways before anything is even argued and a proper debate is held. Papua New Guinea needs to know the process we know called democracy and what it means in the Parliament, to me it sounds more to demonstrate craziness. Right now we have a bunch of monkeys in a zoo the so called House Tambaran fighting over bananas. We are fed with lies by cohorts such a


PAUL REINBARA The recent Supreme Court Ruling on the reappointment of Sir Paulias Matane on Friday leaves a lot to be asked about this current government’s direction. There were a lot of questions asked when this matter was brought before parliament and if the parliamentary process to elect a new GG was stretched to its limits before Matane was drawn as the appointee. Between the two groups in Parliament we now see no debate at all, there is less time spent in addressing issues affecting the country, the game of cat and mouse and the cunning ability by the government to use its power in numbers with the usual puppet the Speaker have their ways before anything is even argued and a proper debate is held. Papua New Guinea needs to know the process we know called democracy and what it means in the Parliament, to me it sounds more to demonstrate craziness. Right now we have a bunch of monkeys in a zoo the so called House Tambaran fighting over bananas. We are fed with lies by cohorts suc