
Rio Tinto Considers Exiting Papua New Guinea Copper Mine

SYDNEY—  Rio Tinto   has maintained control of its closed Bougainville copper mine through independence clashes in Papua New Guinea. But as the mine today edges toward restarting after a quarter-century and copper prices are strong, Rio might head for the exit. The Anglo-Australian company on Monday said it was reviewing its options for its controlling stake in  Bougainville Copper  Ltd., after the government passed new laws that could strip the company of its lease on its Panguna mine. When Panguna—one of the world's biggest copper deposits—started operations in 1972, Papua New Guinea saw the project in Bougainville as a path to riches. The impoverished country then was still under Australian control and had little industry beyond fishing the schools of tuna that swam near its shores. But islanders soon became envious that revenue that was flowing to government coffers in Port Moresby rather than to Bougainville schools, health clinics and local incomes. Those frustration


Uni-tech activist students have been reading about whats gone on at UPNG the past months.  Sad to see that the UPNG student protest against government corruption was destroyed by intimidation and sellout. We faced similar problems during uni-tech saga and won only because of stubborness. Most of us believed we were doing the right thing for God and country so we should not give up under any circumstances. As writer Maya Angelo once said:  “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”  That’s good advice for UPNG students who believe in using student power to speak out for justice and honesty in our country.  Find new ways to keep fighting for what you believe in no matter how many Bobby Yupi obstacles are thrown your way. During early Uni-tech saga we had our own Bobby Yupi by the name of 2013 SRC President Livingstone Hosea. 

PAN AUST Ltd says it will own 80% of Frieda mine by the 24th of August 2014 – I beg to Differ

The Frieda Mine project is PNGs largest currently reported copper, Gold and silver resource. An update resource estimate has increased the Frieda River endowment to a total of 25.6 billion pounds of copper, 18.2 million ounces of gold and 49million ounces of silver. With copper prices currently at US$3.00 per lb this represents a value of approx US$75Billion and of which  investment totalling  US$6 Billion is required to realize. This value is placed on copper alone not counting the value on the Gold and Silver.  This is the resource that Pan Aust Ltd says it will pay US$125 million to own. Pan Aust has paid US$25 million as deposit and will pay another US$50 million by the end of 2015 after it has taken control of the mine and developed the mine and then use the resource of the mine to pay that  US$50 million to Xstrata Glencore and to further pay another US$50 million in smelting Fees  through smelters owned the Glencore.  On the 11th of August Pan Aust announced to the Austral

Peter O’Neill’s Winning Strategy To Slip Through the Cracks:

A Prediction on How He Will Evade The UBS Scandal By  JASON WAUGLE   Starting with his success at squirming out of the fraud charges that came out of the NPF scandal investigation nearly 15 years ago, Peter O’Neill has earned a solid reputation as being a remarkable piece of slippery slime that no member of truth seeking police, ombudsman, court, or legislative members have been able to hold onto for long.  He dodges and darts like Bruce Lee evading  an opponent’s solid kick.  He piles one half truth upon another until even anti-corruption activists are backing off with their heads spinning in total confusion.  Peter O’Neill can shed his skin like a snake and squeeze through the smallest holes like the most slippery eel.   As much as the late arch criminal William Kapris spoke bad about the corruption of politicians, Peter O’Neill came out of the same mold as Kapris.  Kapris must have had grudging respect for the man.  Now Peter O’Neill is back in the ring again, this time facing h


PNGBlogs Contributor Network Gulf Governor Havilo Kavo with his under-aged lover. In Papua New Guinea, for far too many years prior to and following the advent of the internet introduced late to PNG in 1998, many prominent Papua New Guinean political leaders have not been exposed by mainstream media for any alleged misconduct in office if allegations or evidence involved any issue considered personal. The mainstream print media in particular shied away from exposing political leaders for alleged misconduct in office by naming them and subjecting them to public scrutiny by holding them accountable under the Leadership Code if the issue was of a 'personal' nature possibly because of potential 'payback' or revenge by the political leaders supporters. Those days are long gone, thanks to Digicel and the explosion of PNG social media; and also proxy servers via which it is impossible to trace an internet user who for security reasons does not want to b

Please PO, Enough with the Chinese Dress

For a national leader to adopt the national dress of Communist China as their own formal wear is weird to say the least. By The Waigani Observer From the time he became prime minister, one thing about Peter O’Neill has annoyed  the crap out of a couple of his minders.    Again and again on EMTV and in the newspapers you will see our PM helicoptering around the villages of PNG and meeting world leaders dressed not in a western business suit, nor the Melanesian laplap typical of Fijian leaders and Michael Somare, but in an unusual kind of dress coat.   It’s not really western and certainly not Melanesian.  PO’s specially selected dress seems well suited for any occasion. Those who know a little about Asian history or travelled around China could figure it out.    PO is wearing a style of dress so clearly associated with a particular person that it bears their name.   We’re talking about none other than the Mao Suit named after Mao Zedong.     Who is Mao Zedong and

Prime Minister's attack on the Ombudsman Commission should be a cause of concern for PNG

By Joseph Yandapaki The Prime Minister’s unprecedented attack on the independence and integrity of the Ombudsman Commission over his referral for prosecution under the Leadership Code should be of great concern to all Papua New Guineans. The Ombudsman Commission is a critical independent institution of state and is a foundation-stone of good governance of the nation. The Prime Minister’s deceitful attack on it is designed to undermine its standing ahead of any hearing of his case, and ultimately to prevent any prosecution going ahead under a Leadership Tribunal. His actions constitute a direct threat to the effectiveness of the Ombudsman Commission and its role in national affairs. Ultimately they are a direct threat to the commission’s existence. People should not be surprised by the attack, nor by the slyness of it, the use of half-truths and misinformation, and the blatant disregard for the Constitutional processes and procedures that underpin the Ombudsman Commission. T