Michael Somare has survived in the parliament for more than 40 years. He is best regarded as the father of the nation. He is the longest serving MP in the Commonwealth, a record no other politicians can match. Some may see that as divine blessing to have the life of this man well lived in the years to come.

He seem to have not coached an upcoming leader that will fill his shoes. Even at the ESP regional seat, some learned and respected Sepiks tried to topple him and Allan Bird knowing too well that he would, but could not do it.

Questions have been tossed and even passed around as to why Sepiks still vote for him come the national election time. No one and even I am not here to answer that question. Is it to do with:a) his strong faith in God; b) sepik tambaran culture c) out of respect & age, or ......what?

Some of the commentators have said that Somare was planning to leave his colorful political life for good, however, his son Arthur, Agiru, Patrick Pruaitch and possibly Bertha wanted Sir Michael to continue serving PNG. Somare was even brought into parliament while on sick bed. Those who were called his 'inner circle' saw politics and 'their self-interest' reigned higher than his health and family interest (excluding Arthur and Bertha).

During the reign of Sir Somare for the last 9 years, the influx of Asians and Indians have tripled ,boom in real estate industry and spontaneous investments both by PNGeans and foreigners have gone sky rocket at our domestic front and overseas.

Somare is seen to be friends to major foresting companies and some of the lavish spending of state ministers in overseas have gone unnoticed.

Our kina picked up and we could hear favorable economic forecasts from the Bank of PNG.

For those who have lived long during his reign as Prime Minister, prior to the previous two terms, Sir M. Somare was viewed as a staunch supporter of nationalistic movement and democratic principles that define our national sovereignty.

He is now seen as negating these strong pillars of democratic principles and succumbed to young leaders who aspired to become millionairess using the old man's name, business contacts and foreign diplomacy.

One thing is clear. Peter O'Neill, Belden Namah, Don Polye, Peter Ipatas, Agiru, Powes Parkop, and other key MPs who have lost shared on Somare's plate. And something sinister happened when love was not in the air. The romantic feeling of love and intimacy was slowly soaking into the air of revenge and hatred. And it was stirred by Don Polye, when his brother Engan, Abal was made the acting Prime Minister, when Somare went for his medical check in Singapore.

Sam Abel knew the 'Engan culture' well but he did not talked over in Engan language with Don Polye whether or not he (Abal) should not accept the 'blessing' given by the old man. This infuriated Don because Don knew that Abal was a first time MP and as he (Don) knowing too well that he was the NA Highlands Parliamentary Leader the blessing should have been his and not Abal. Abal clinked onto the power for a short period of time while Sir Michael Somare was sick-ridden in bed in Singapore. And the rest is history.

Peter O'Neill took advantage of the political fiasco and having been a key member of Somare kitchen cabinet took advantage of the situation by storm. Peter being a smart magician, who speaks very soft and sometimes with unpleasant smile did not care whether Aurthur Somare, Anderson Agiru, Patrick Pruaitch and Paul Tientsin would throw stinging punches at his face.

And now we are looking forward to the formation of the new government. People including you and me want to know who becomes the Prime Minister in this 9th parliament.

Having said this I see that:

1. Peter O'Neill will fail PNGeans if he fails to prosecute those leaders implicated by the SWEEP TEAM, which was established by his previous government.

2. Those who have won and have been implicated will join Peter O'Neill so that they can be pardoned and escape justice.

3. Peter O'Neill is not someone who is very strong and very nationalistic. He has not taken a tough stand on disciplining his ministers. He is a sympathizer, very religious and sometimes have the sarcastic felling of revenge but not grounded on firm rule based on common sense and the true meaning of law.

4. Peter O'Neillis a business man, with business associates, those that put blanket around his business empire and rarely speaks about his mega revenue generating commercial entities and other financial sources.

5. Peter O'Neill was a key figure during the PNG BC Corporatization plan, where it was gradually privatized and as key implicated leader in the NPF (now NASFUND) Saga. Peter has not spoken vehemently and cleared his name whenever this issue is raised on the floor of parliament, print media and even at social media forums and other related threads.

5. Peter O'Neill has never said anything and failed to wish Sir Mekere Morauta, 'good luck' on his exit from the political life'. And on this note, Sir Mekere became the Holy Moses, speaking in the desert.

6. Sir Mekere, while serving a skeleton opposition during Somare rule provided the best opposition. Sir Mek was a well researched orator on finance, investment and political theories and developments. However, not much has come out of Sir Mekere as to why he was leaving the public life. If Sir Mekere is fully satisfied that he was the main architect to the cause of the downfall of NA regime then why is he leaving a group of young PNG Party members at a time when the country is going through crossroads?

So Papua New Guineans, as you dream for the next government formation, have you thought about having a PM and government that can speak outright on national issues? Have you thought about someone who can clean up the public service and deport people on the spot if they break our domestic laws?
Have you thought about someone and the government who do not talk about anything but clean and weed out corruption in our government departments and in all service delivery sectors?

I still view that 'peoples government' means implementing peoples wish. Our wish then is negative zero-tolerance on corruption.

If the new government can live up to this view then we are on the right track to achieving some of the principles contained in the UN Charter. We are getting somewhere there and our children's future is on the track.


  1. We need a reconciliation government. After the catfight of last PNG does not need greed and lust for power. We want leaders to put PNG people above their self interest. Our observation: keep Belden, Polye and Powes in the Opposition. They will do better there than in government. Their short history in last 12 months show they will break law and openly justify their actions without a shred of guilt.

  2. Politics without principle; wealth without work is what the people of Kokopo Open Electorate in East New Britain were denied a free, fair and safe elections at the expense for the PM seat. Is this blessing, curse or black pawa.


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