

by VINCENT MOSES Yes that's right, he had help! Peter O'Neill was assisted by cronies and close associates at the political and bureaucratic levels of government. People like Charles Abel, Richard Maru, Justin Tkatchenko, Nick Kuman and others were O'Neill's cronies at the political level that helped him destroy PNG. At the bureaucratic level we have names like Isaac Lupari, Dairi Vele, David Wereh, Augustin Mano, Wapu Sonk, Loi Bakani and others who played their part in assisting O'Neill destroy PNG. These people who are remnants of the O'Neill years of systematic and systemic corruption, waste and mismanagement are still around. How can our new PM Hon James Marape TAKE BACK PNG AND MAKE IT THE FIRST RICH CHRISTIAN BLACK NATION on earth when these close associates of O'Neill are still around? It is so refreshing and such a relief to hear and see our new PM Hon James Marape speak the right language and make the right moves upon being elected into

Who is the king of cocoa in Sepik?

by Margaret Kuira In order to understand the current stalemate between East Sepik Governor Allan Bird and Member for Yangoru Saussia Richard Maru, let us retrace our steps back in history a little. During the reign of the Former Member for Yangoru Saussia who was also Governor of ESP, Peter Wararu Waranaka, ESPG made funds available (K0.5 million for cocoa growers in the province). These funds were parked with the National Development Bank of which Richard Maru was Managing Director. These funds were placed under the management and care of the current Member for Wewak Open Kevin Isifu. Wararu approved the funds to be used to assist cocoa farmers setting up cocoa fermenteries throughout the province in order to implement and grow SME's in the province. Now don't forget Richard is a champion of SME's, so he got instant approval from Wararu. Richard then did a backbiter on Wararu. He used the money to do his early campaigning. He dished out the money and informed peo

Where is PNG’s economic rescue plan?

by IAN LING-STUCKEY CMG MP Former US President Bill Clinton won his historic 1992 election campaign by reminding everyone that parents want to make a better world for their children. Clinton’s focus was on the economy and ensuring there was good economic management. When asked about how politicians win elections, he famously responded “It’s the economy, stupid”. The first NEC meeting last Wednesday should have focused on how to make PNG a richer black Christian country. An economic rescue plan should have been the first NEC agenda item. The Basil economic rescue plan should have been immediately released after the NEC meeting. So where is the rescue plan? Our economy is in crisis! Living standards have dropped by 10% under O’Neill. Health, education and justice delivery are in crisis. So where is the rescue plan? The failure to release an economic rescue plan is a disgraceful reflection on the incompetence of the economic team of the new government led by Basil including A


by BUI WETAU While the newly elected Prime Minister is busy trying to get the country in order, some MPs who had just been commissioned as Ministers have instead started off on their duties on a totally different tone. Instead of setting out their plans known to the country on how they would tackle issues of real concern to the country, they have since day one have been busy shaping, reshaping, aligning, realigning, grouping, regrouping themselves to form political alliances but they have  failed miserably to tell the nation publicly their reason for choosing to do this as their first order of business instead of laying out their platforms on how they would contribute meaningfully towards nation building under the new Marape Government. One message I wish to get across to the newly elected Prime Minister as a result of such acts by these MPs is that it seems obvious that these MPs would be focused more on the 2022 General Elections in whatever they do within the remaining two


By Fontenu Bulletin The outrage on social media on the purchase of the 40 luxury sports from Italy for APEC is far from over and I want to see that outrage also taken to the streets. If the government of PNG or anyone thinks this issue will die out soon is highly mistaken. I am saying this because what you are about to read is the hidden truth exposed on this atrocity! And I intend to dig deeper in the following weeks to shine more light into this witchcraft! I am aware that everyone has expressed their disgust on this matter and I am also aware of the bullshits that flew out of the APEC Minister Justin Tkatchenko mouth to sweep the issue under the carpet. However, I want to go a little bit further to dispute Tkatchenko’s deceit and maintain with facts that the decision to buy those 40 Maserati Quattroporte is not only stupid, selfish and outrageous but more importantly, the decision is a crime in disguise! Following is the quote from Mr Tkatchenko in his media release on the purchas


A message to the good people of Kompiam-Ambum after learning their beloved MP Hon. John Pundari was knighted for "services to his district." Your member John Pundari has never been in the Opposition. For 25 years he sat on Government ranks enjoying Ministerial Portfolio after Ministerial Portfolio and turning a blind eye to his own electorate. We have been to Kompiam and seen how terrible it is. Wabag Member of Parliament Hon. Dr. Lino Tom has given you people service by creating a roadlink in Kompiam Ambum. Something a first time member has accomplished which you people had not seen in 25years maybe more.  Why do you people keep voting in this John Pundari? Is it because there are no other educated Kompiam Ambum men and women out there. Is it because Pundari is mixed race and therefore you people think he is more superior in terms of intellect and skill that's why you people keep voting for him? Stop crying over spilled milk when you peop


by JOHN KAMA The new Marape-Davis government has created a centre-piece in the cabinet that the entire country is drawn in with so much interest in the appointment of Kerenga Kua and Bryan Kramer among the 33 cabinet ministers.The following are the uniqueness about their appointment, hence, became the centre-piece of attraction: 1. They were members of the opposition who never voted for PMJM. 2. Their appointment to ministry as opposition members was unconventional in the WestMinster System. 3. They were the two top critics of the last government whom PMJM & majority of his current cabinet members were part of. 4. They both stood for zero tolerance on corruption at all levels by both citizens and non-citizens. 5. They were both outspoken on white collar corruption and the arrest of former PM Hon. Peter O'Neill and his cronies. 6. They both understood every letter of the law and were willing to use the courts as their strongest weapon against anyone. Why PMJM appointed