

MISAPPROPRIATION OF K59.396MILLION AND ABUSE OF OFFICE AND CONSPIRACY TO DEFRAUD THE STATE BY SPEAKER JOB POMAT, FORMER CLERK VELA KONIVARO, PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL RICHARD WHITCHURCH AND OTHERS ” By: Parliament Staff The Speaker of National Parliament and Member for Manus Open Mr. Job Pomat and his syndicate must be arrested following the arrest of their political master Peter O’Neil yesterday. Misappropriation of K59.396 million belonging to the National Parliament was detailed by a brave and courageous former staff of the Parliamentary Services. The report was comprehensive one with all evidences attached including expenditure vote summary, copies of contracts, copies of invoices, copies of cheques and other related materials substantiating all allegations made in that complaint. It was a Formal Complaint laid against the Speaker of National Parliament and his crime syndicate for Conspiracy, Abuse of Office and Misappropriation of Parliament Funds. The Crime Syndicate consist of the


by KEVIN MENDAKA The shocking arrest of former Prime Minister and Member for Ialibu Pangia Hon Peter O’Neill, CMG  came about when the SOE Order for 14 days quarantine law was violated by the Special Investigation Team operating at the Police Headquarters. The Special Investigation Team was using a warrant issued by the Waigani Committal Court from a Magistrate whose jurisdictions is in question on whether or not the Magistrate has powers under the Arrest Act or Search Warrant Act to issue warrants. It appears the Magistrate that issued the Warrant was a level 4 Magistrate thus contrary to law as the powers to issue warrants only authorized and sanctioned by law to be signed of by the Chief Magistrate, Deputy Chief Magistrate and Senior Provincial Magistrate (All Level 5). Interestingly this Magistrate is from East Sepik Province and the policemen involve from East Sepik Province. The blame game will now continue, in amidst of confusing there are fake social media news circulated

Husait rausim pekpek bilong husait?

by JAMIE MAIGAU In every comments or statement a supporter or admirer of PM Hon. James Marape when he/ she argue in defence of PMJM he/ she would say PMJM is cleaning the mess created by Hon. Peter O'Neil. I find it hard to comprehend and always beg question 'is the person commenting knows what he/she is saying?'  Peter O'Neil employed the same people that are now being employed by PMJM. They all created the mess together and now PMJM tries to clean it. While in the process of cleaning it PMJM is careful not to hurt his own foot. That something we all citizens should know and understand. For us to praise PMJM and denounce PO is not a right thing to do. To avoid shooting his own foot PMJM would change and shift his strategies to deviate our attention from the real corruption issues that he vowed to fight when he took over from PMPO. Fighting of Coronavirus, approval of Superannuation funds, Sapotim Wantok Foundation and his other actions and deeds are mechani

James Marape- The 8th Prime Minister. A year in Review

by GABRIEL RAMOI Twelve months ago who among us would have predicted  the rise of a much under rated James Marape as the 8th Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea putting an end to eight years of tumultuous rule by Peter O’Neill and his PNC Party.  In this article we profile the achievement of James Marape over the last 12 months and lay out the challenges both for Marape as Prime Minister and for the country he now leads and contrast that with the Style and achievements of Peter O’Neill, the man he replaced as Prime Minister. James Marape continues to intrigue and surprise us with the array of tools he is deploying from a Pandora box of politics. Intrigue because from a base without money or support of big businesses or a regional based political party he was able to effect a regime change in PNG, a feat that will be hard to repeat for a long while. Surprised because the man he replaced is no political midget and to successful pull the rug from under   O’Neill’s   feet is a master


BY :SOLDIER BOY This report was produced by the Department of Personal Management which made recommendations for implementation by Department of Defense. However DoD failed to implement the recommendations. Those named officers knowingly and willingly did all these with total disregard to benefit themselves unscrupulously. Their intent and actions is basically to defraud the PNGDF. It's a serious crime and punishable by law, yet they are running around holding key positions and continue to steal more. Surprisingly, the DF Secretary Mr Akipe is aware but he is not taking any actions against them The level of corruption is so thick that you could hardly breath for fresh air in the DF Department. There is no more discipline, total control and command. Just another cave men ghetto to squander as much as you can leaving the malnourished cow to die on its own without resurrection. As a concerned citizen, am totally aghast looking at the situation that has falled on deaf ears of

Logging company and Sandaun Authorities involved in Illegal fuel import on barge.

 by: PNGDF Insider in Vanimo Members of the PNG Defence force on PNGDF ship HMPNGS Moresby intercepted an illegal barge loaded with fuel for logging company off Vanimo in the West Sepik Province last week. PNGDF members boarded the vessel at 0300am on Friday last week 1st May2020) The barge illegally entering Papua New Guinea waters with no licence on the captain and had duplicated international tracking signal. The barge initially used international tracking transponder for Oil tanker but then changed this once they entered into the PNG waters. The crew was interrogated at Vanimo when what they thought was a Oil Tanker turned out to be a barge smuggling illegal fuel to the logging camps. It is now highly suspicious amongst the members of Defence Forces stationed in Sandaun that the  Provincial authorities are involved in smuggling of fuel for timber companies in Sandaun province All the crew members were arrest by soldiers and were placed under isolation at the quaranti


By : OBO SEVA Never ending filth of corruption surfacing again at PNGDF. Its now against the Defence Secretary Mr John Akipe who claimed to be unqualified and corrupt after being appointed into the Defence Department (DOD) as Secretary. The mind boggling questions; 1. Is he the right and qualified person for the job among others who are much qualified in terms of expertise and qualifications? 2. How was he appointed in the first place? 3. What were his previous jobs apart from being PMJM's Campaign Manager? Refer to the copy list attached. Those names mentioned are handpicked by the DF Secretary himself with no merit, qualifications and NEVER gone through the recruitment process. They are classified as casuals and being paid exorbitantly at the expense of the Service Personnel (soldiers) which is the Department main responsibility to look after them. The list outlined the amount he and his wantoks being paid by DOD. All of them have been engaged on short term contr


by JAMES MARAPE MP, PRIME MINISTER To all PNG miners (those in both operations and explorations) we will not change goal posts in between. PNG is a robust democracy that honors all agreements to the text and spirit, congruent to our mining act. Major amendments to the resource law regimes we doing will be effected post 2025 and will not affect those agreements secured under present regimes. You can have that comfort. However Pogera is a special case and is an exception because Barrick’s lease expired on 18th August 2019. My letter to Barrick is on it’s way and will explain this and also allude to formal and legitimate processes of government including MAC’s deliberation that refused application for lease renewal. I have my country’s 8million shareholders including the people of Ipili, Pogera , Enga, environmental footprint areas plus present mine workers to look after. Now that your lease has expired, the legal process is there for Barrick to comply so you can maintain your oper


by FRAZER LIU I am one of 24 brothers and sisters. We own a large piece of land, which has an abundant natural occurence of a mineral. One day someone came and told us that the minerals under our land are valuable and that we can be rich beyond our wildest dreams. His name was Mr Developer. He sold us tales and promises of wonder, we could not resist. He came with a familiar looking neighbor who knew my language, and another bloke who told me that he was Mr. Government and that we had a duty to listen to him because despite us owning our own land; anything below six feet belonged to him. This was all very confusing to my family and I, but they looked much wiser and smarter than us, so we listened. They introduced us to Mr Lawyer, who wrote up a paper called a Special Mining Lease. Mr Lawyer said that this paper was the agreement between ourselves, Mr Developer, and Mr Government. We asked him what the details of the agreement were. Mr Lawyer told us a large mine will be built